Published Articles
How to Rebuild Trust in Your Relationship
It can be difficult to rebuild trust in a relationship when trust has been broken, but it is possible. Often times it can even be possible to get to a much better place in the relationship than before the trust was broken.
Arguing, Staying on Track
In my practice I see couples who have ranges of argument styles. Many couples who first come to see me for counseling tell me that they use yelling matches, name-calling, and put-downs as their main form of communication in an argument.
Are We Ruining Our Children With Praise?
Praising our children has all sorts of benefits. A child who receives praise is more likely to praise others, praise increases self-esteem and motivation, and can change the parent's and child's view of the child. Can we praise too much?
Is Your Graduate Ready For The World?
Are you the proud parent of a young adult graduating from high school or college? This is a big step in your child’s life, especially with all of today’s pressures and challenges. Is your graduate ready for adulthood?