Feel loved, respected, wanted again.
Couples Counseling
Communication problems, fighting, unfaithfulness, lying, distrust, loneliness, not seeing eye to eye, abuse…?
Do you feel like there might not be hope for your relationship or the that you won’t be able to get over the infidelity?
You’ve been fighting the same fight for years or when things are good you are floating in the clouds but when things are bad you can’t imagine why you stayed this long.
Or maybe the two of you seem to communicate pretty well on the day to day stuff but there’s just something in the way. You can’t understand him or her.
Are you in a relationship where one of you seems to want to put in more time and effort and the other person doesn’t seem to care? Often times one person feels smothered while the other person is longing for connection and feels unseen, uncared for and last place on their partner’s priorities.
You aren’t sure if it’s worth the effort and is this going to really be how it is the rest of your lives?
Maybe you’ve been to therapy. Maybe you’ve been to a few therapists and the therapist either seems to side with one of you or seems a bit judgmental. I’ve been there.
Sometimes therapy with a therapist who’s trying to take on clients outside of their specialty area can just make things worse.
There are no guarantees in therapy and we might not be the best match for everyone but we’re good at what we do, especially when it’s in our areas of passion. We love helping people that are having relationship issues. If you are willing to put in the work we can help.
You’ve heard the saying “it takes two.” I believe that statement for the most part but not entirely. I use the example of the mass shooters. That took one person to cause a lot of damage, not two. It doesn’t always take 2 to cause a problem in a relationship. It does usually take two to fix it, though. However, sometimes it’s better to start individually or for someone who’s partner doesn’t want to do couples therapy, one person can often make a ton of difference. I can explain more when we talk! Give me a call and I can guide you as to what may be the best way to start.
You can get through the pain and have a loving, fulfilling relationship. I will give you the tools and support you need to:
Improve communication
Regain trust
Grow closer
Understand each other’s needs
Setup appropriate boundaries
Accept and appreciate your differences
Get to a better place than you ever were even before the infidelity to ensure that it never happens again!
Life is too short to spend another minute continuing in the same painful patterns. We would like to help. Call now and start on your road to a more loving, respectful, and happy relationship.
Couples Intensives
Usually clients are taking something away at the 1st session. The second session clients are usually seeing they could make progress, finally feeling heard, understood, and learning skills to work through hurt and form long-lasting change.
Finally feeling they are getting what they need, clients often times want to stay longer to make more progress. Besides getting to repair, gain hope, and practical tips, a longer session in the beginning can help prevent times in between sessions of going back to the same habits and drawing out the progress. Often times while all in the room are feeling the success of the session, it’s offered to spend more time and clients gladly agree.
Sometimes people ask for longer sessions prior. 2 hour sessions or 3 hour session are great for:
Couples wanting to cover a lot of ground quickly.
Couples who have struggled in past counseling and wanting a break-through.
Couples where one partner travels for their job and are not in town often.
Healing through a crisis such as an affair.
Common Questions
When working with couples the couple is our client. Our goal is to all be on the same page and to ultimately help the couple to flourish. There will be times when one person may have a heavier amount of work to do, but the idea is that two healthy and happy individuals can make a more happy and healthy couple. Plus, we understand that we can’t all be at our highest point all the time. We all have work to do.
There is a dance we do of listening and trying to understand, while allowing for space when needed, and it is our job to help you get through the tough feelings, to get back to the feelings you once had for each other, and even better and stronger than before. As you work through tough times and still are able to be connected through difficulties you will see you will come out a stronger and happier couple.
We like to check in to see how everyone’s doing each session and use treatment plans/goals so that we can all make sure there is improvement at a satisfying pace.
It is our belief that a decision to stay together or break up is a very personal decision. If you are willing to work hard to save your relationship, so are we. It is our goal to help you to be healthy and happy, for your relationship to thrive.
We are happy to help you understand your needs, goals, and feelings, empowering you to come to your own conclusion, while working as hard as you’ll have us work with and for your relationship. We can give statistics and probabilities such as from the Gottman approach, while giving tips and diving into the hardest moments with you to work through your deepest hurts and needs.
Often times people come to us after having been to other therapists. We use evidence- based techniques. We’ve seen hundreds of couples. Most of the couples who have committed to therapy, were surprised themselves how much happier they came out in the end.
If your partner is reluctant to schedule a session, you might instead encourage them to join you for one session, whether it be to provide information to us so that we can have a more full picture of the situation or they may decide to stay and take part in ongoing couples therapy. We tell clients in this situation that it’s typically better for everyone if we are able to gain more information from the partner whether they come to therapy or not, so that we can better help the individual who decides to come to therapy. In the end, the healthier we can get you, the better it is for the whole family.
If your partner isn’t open to therapy, we typically encourage people to start by themselves to start to work on themselves and start on the road to feeling better. The progress people can make even without their partner there is often surprising to people. This may also encourage them to seek out therapy along the way.
We’d be happy to talk to your partner so that we can address questions or concerns that they may have.