Everyone struggles with anger here and there but is anger getting the best of you?
Anger Management Therapy
If you didn’t get angry sometimes I’d worry that you were stuffing your feelings. Stuffing our feelings can have major repercussions later like health problems and fights that blow up when triggered by something that seems small.
Do you lose control and later regret it?
Do you have a loved one saying you should seek out anger management?
Do you sometimes have bouts of rage and fury and have a hard time calming down?
Have you been violent (with others or yourself)?
Chances are, you’re not a bad person. You surely feel bad about it and realize the negative affects it’s had on yourself and others. You may have told yourself and your loved ones you would change-you thought you could do it on your own. Maybe you’ve tried counseling before or had some break ups. The problem keeps showing up again.
We can help you get to the bottom of why this keeps reemerging. Learn more here or just go ahead and reach out so we can get started helping you get to a place of calm for yourself and your loved ones. You’re not alone. We understand.
-You’ve lost friendships or people lack patience with your problem making decisions.
-Your anxiety gets in the way at work.
-You may even have difficulties leaving the house.
Your anger got the best of you again. You thought you had a handle on it. Your partner tells you they can’t handle it anymore.
Kissing and making up isn’t working anymore.
You may be so bitter that you don’t want to kiss and make up, anyway.
Whether you are feeling badly at yourself for how you reacted or if you are in a place where everything seems like it’s not going well, if you have been losing control, or experiencing anger more often than you would like, it may benefit you to have a session to explore what’s going on.
You’re not crazy or weak to consider therapy. We all need some help sometime. It’s what makes this world go round. We can do a lot of things on our own but sometimes it makes sense to hire someone to help. For example, you might know how to fix your car, paint or clean, but we sometimes still hire someone to do it for us. Or we might not be a licensed electrician so we hire someone who has that skill.
When it comes to therapy, even therapists go to therapists sometimes. It’s a field where people can benefit from people. There’s something about telling your story and getting feedback from an outsider. Even moreso, from a therapist that has skills in a certain area.
Whether in the context of couples counseling or individuals who are just coming to take a good hard look at how they got to where they are at in life, we have a passion for helping those who want to do the work to make some solid change! Some clients struggle to change and we have many skills up our sleaves to help. Others surprise us and with just a couple of sessions the change is phenomenal! Mostly, it can take some time, whether it’s 10, 20 or more sessions, depending on how deep someone wants to go, but whether you are ready for our analysis and opinion of your situation while we teach you a few practical tips or if you want to dive deep and work on childhood injuries that are likely effecting the way you handle things today, we’d love to hear from you. We’d love to help!
IMPORTANT NOTE- We do not offer classes or groups. Our method for treating anger is 1-1 therapy and counseling.
We use a variety of techniques for anger management including CBT, which is the “gold standard” for treating many issues, such as anger, anxiety, and depression.
The following are some techniques we commonly use for anger management:
Identifying specific situations or events that trigger anger. By understanding these triggers, you can learn to manage your responses and avoid getting angry in these situations.
Cognitive restructuring can help you identify and challenge negative thoughts that contribute to anger. By learning to reframe these thoughts in a more positive way, many people can reduce feelings of anger.
Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and mindfulness meditation can help reduce feelings of anger and promote a sense of calm.
Assertiveness training. Instead of anger, passiveness, or passive-aggressiveness, assertiveness skills can help in expression of needs and boundaries in a calm and respectful manner. This can reduce feelings of frustration and anger and oftentimes promote you getting what you are looking for and a better outcome.
Problem-solving skills: CBT can teach individuals problem-solving skills to address the underlying issues that contribute to anger. By learning to identify and address these issues, individuals can reduce feelings of anger.
We can go deeper and help heal the wounds that may still be there, looking closer at the primary emotions that are being covered up that have allowed an environment of an expression of anger.
We can teach empathy and work on perspective taking.
Oftentimes clients prefer to have a therapist of the opposite sex so that they can gain more insight from a different perspective, especially if they are having problems in a romantic relationship. There can be benefits to this and we have male and female therapists who you can choose or in some situations, you may choose to work with both therapists to get more insight.
Anger is a natural emotion, and we do not seek to eliminate it entirely. Instead, the goal is to help individuals manage their anger in a healthy and productive way.