“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Anxiety Therapy
It’s that jittery, tingly, and heart-racing sensation that spreads across your body when you’re faced with a problem, uncertainty, or a major event. Feels almost like fear, almost like stress. They do have quite a lot in common. Occasional anxiety is a normal part of life. For some, those feelings dissipate once the matter has been worked out. For others, the anxiety does not go away.
-You can’t shake the worry no matter how hard you try.
-You’ve lost friendships or people lack patience with your problem making decisions.
-Your anxiety gets in the way at work.
-You may even have difficulties leaving the house.
It can often get worse over time and can interfere with work, school, and relationships.
Have you exhausted relationships spending too much time talking about your worries and asking too often for advice?
Can’t seem to let go.
Drinking to relax.
Not taking care of yourself. Little exercise, sleep, anxious eating.
We’ve helped so many find peace, be able to let go, get on track with a healthy lifestyle. We want to help you, too!
Do you want to be a person who gets things done,
… who has better control of your life,
… who is able to think clearly and communicate effectively,
… is relaxed
and is happy?
Types of Anxiety Disorder
Maybe you want to come to therapy to talk about something that has been nagging at you or an unresolved issue that keeps popping back up. Or, maybe it’s more serious.
There are several mental illnesses that fall under the anxiety category. The following are the most commonly known anxiety disorders:
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD): this common disorder produces chronic worrying about everyday life. This worry can be all-consuming, and people often have problems fulfilling their day to day responsibilities.
Social Anxiety Disorder: this anxiety disorder creates intense fear for people in social interactions. People suffering from social anxiety disorder fear being humiliated or being seen as stupid.
Panic Disorder: this type of anxiety disorder is characterized by panic attacks and feelings of terror that sometimes come out of nowhere. Panic attacks cause dizziness, heart palpitations, upset stomach, and shortness of breath. Because symptoms often appear without warning, people will avoid social situations.
PTSD: PTSD that can develop after exposure to a terrifying event or ordeal such as violent personal assaults, natural or human-caused disasters, accidents, or military combat.
Phobias: Phobias develop as a result of people fearing particular objects, events, or places. These include agoraphobia, separation anxiety, and even substance abuse and withdrawal.
Our seasoned fully licensed therapists use evidence based modalities such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), well studied and proven for decades to be effective.
CBT for anxiety typically involves the following components:
Psychoeducation: We can explain the nature of anxiety and how it affects the body and mind and how thoughts and behaviors can contribute to anxiety.
Cognitive restructuring: This involves identifying and challenging negative thought patterns that contribute to anxiety. We will help you reframe negative thoughts into more positive and realistic ones.
Exposure therapy: Exposure therapy involves gradual exposure to the things that cause anxiety in a safe and controlled environment. This helps to build up tolerance to these situations and learn that you are not as threatening as they initially believed.
Relaxation techniques: We will encourage relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation, to help manage anxiety symptoms.
Behavioral activation: This involves setting goals and engaging in activities that the you enjoy and find fulfilling. This can help to increase feelings of well-being and reduce anxiety.