There is hope, even when you brain tells you there isn’t. John Green
Fatigue or loss of energy?
Feelings of worthlessness or guilt?
Impaired concentration?
These are signs of depression. We can help!
We all get sad sometimes. That’s a part of being human. If you were never sad I’d worry that you were blocking out important feelings that each and every one of us has so that we are alerted to something going on. If you had pain it might alert you that you are bleeding. You’d need to know that. It’s important to look at what our feelings are trying to tell us.
Depression Therapy
“ I feel blah. I don’t enjoy doing the things I used do.”
“I can’t concentrate at work and it’s starting to effect my relationships.”
“My house is a mess and I’m not taking care of my health.”
“I’m overwhelmed and have so much to do but I can’t seem to get out of bed.”
“Here it comes again. I can feel myself sinking.”
“I should be able to shake this off by now.”
“I don’t really have anything to be a sad about so why am I so down?”
“I don’t know how much longer I can keep doing this.”
Depression isn’t always caused by a situation. It doesn’t mean you’re “mentally weak.” It’s not your fault.
There’s no just “snapping out of it.” Many people don’t understand so you don’t tell them. If you had the answer you’d fix this. You’ve probably tried many things, after all and in between you find it hard to do just about anything.
We understand and we can help!
You are not alone. In 2020 almost 10% of U.S. adults have had at least one major depressive episode.
Clients have come back years later telling us the impression we made on their lives and how years later they are still doing well. Depression can be difficult but you can still live a full happy life. There is hope!
Other signs of Major Depression
(from DSM-V-TR):
A depressed mood most of the day, everyday. “I feel sad” or “I feel like I’ve lost all hope”. More tearful than usual or others have notice you look sad.
A loss of interest in almost all or all activities is an important indicator of MDD. You may lose interest in interacting with people they care about.
Weight loss or a loss of appetite.
Insomnia or hypersomnia
“I feel tired all the time”
Feelings of worthlessness and inappropriate self-guilt.
Suicidal thoughts.
A reduced ability to think, focus or concentrate.
Anxious restlessness that is typically not related to any event going on.
If left untreated depression can lead to:
Relationship problems
Weight gain
Increased alcohol use or drug use
Problems at work
Aches and pains
Phobias, panic disorders, and anxiety attacks
Health issues including an increased risk for heart disease and type 2 diabetes
Attempted suicide or suicide- Don’t do it. It will get better! Get help. Call the crisis hotline if you need help now @ 602-222-9444.
Children of a parent or friend who has committed suicide or attempted suicide are more likely to commit suicide.