Blogs by Family Perspectives

Kim Romen Kim Romen

How to Deal with an Angry Wife

Your wife is angry at you and you have no idea why.  If you are like most men, your spouse’s angry mood sparks in you feelings of tenseness, nervousness, irritation, confusion, and importantly, oftentimes shame.  If what you have been doing in response to your wife’s anger is not working it is time to respond differently.

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Kim Romen Kim Romen

Is it normal fighting, or is this abuse?

Couples will have disagreements from time to time. It's a normal part of being in a relationship. Could it be possible that two people think the same way about everything? Statistically, that would be a very slim chance.  What are some signs that the arguing is crossing the line into abuse? Here is a list of examples:

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Kim Romen Kim Romen

Is it really a communication problem?

Oftentimes people think they're coming to counseling to improve their communication and I usually tell them that although healthy communication is required for a healthy relationship, it’s not usually communication tips or skills that will help their relationship. If it was, they could just learn communication tips by reading a book or searching “communication skills” online (which I’m all for, by the way)….

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